First Name *
Last Name *
Contact Name *
Email *
Link to LinkedIn Profile (if none, please write N/A) *
Job Title You're Interested in (if nothing specific, please write N/A) *
1. I’m eligible to work in the United States as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. *
If you are not already a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, please contact the Wycliffe Global Alliance to find a Wycliffe entity in your home country.
Yes, I’m a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
No, these options do not apply to me.
3. I understand this position does not have a traditional salary. It is considered either volunteer or “supported,” which means I will build a team of partners committed to faithfully praying for me and giving financially toward my salary, benefits and ministry expenses. Click to read more. *
As a member of a faith-based religious organization, you will be considered "supported staff."
“Supported Staff” Overview
Almost every one of our 3000 staff members, no matter what their role in our organization, is a "supported staff" member — meaning they develop a personal partnership team in order to fund their work and personal expenses. Partnership teams typically consist of personal friends, family members and supporting churches.
Please download and review this PDF for more details: Statement on Partnership Development
If you are looking for a traditional paid position, we do offer a limited number which you can view here.
4. I'm connected and involved in a local church. *
Involvement can look different from one person to another depending on the circumstances but should include relationship building and growth in personal spiritual vitality.
5. I am looking to serve for six months or longer for at least 10 hours a week. *
How did you hear about this opportunity?*
LinkedIn Job Board
LinkedIn Recruiter
Other (please specify in comments below)
Questions/Comments (Please keep under 250 characters.)
I certify that all of the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. *
I’d like to receive a short series of emails with glimpses of Wycliffe’s current work around the world.
I am ready to pursue membership!
Case Reason
Serving in Missions
Becoming Supported Staff
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