Becoming Supported Staff

Serving with Wycliffe USA

Thanks for your interest in joining the global Bible translation movement! We look forward to talking with you about the opportunities to serve with Wycliffe USA. Please answer the following four questions, which help determine if Wycliffe is a good fit for you.

If you are not already a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, please contact the Wycliffe Global Alliance to find a Wycliffe entity in your home country.

All our members must be in agreement with Wycliffe USA's beliefs and vision. Please carefully review this article to ensure that you can both agree with all the points listed and endeavor to live them out.

As a member of a faith-based religious organization, you will be considered "supported staff".

“Supported staff” - overview

Almost every one of our 3000+ staff members, no matter what their role in our organization, is a "supported staff" member - meaning, they develop a personal partnership team in order to fund their work and personal expenses. Partnership teams typically consist of personal friends, family members and supporting churches.

Please download and review this PDF for more details: Statement on Partnership Development

If you are looking for a traditional paid position, we do offer a limited number which you can view here.

Involvement can look different from one person to another depending on the circumstances but should include relationship building and growth in personal spiritual vitality.

If you’re looking to serve for less than six months, less than 10 hours a week, or in a seasonal capacity, please contact Wycliffe Associates for your next steps.

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